
Showing posts from August, 2011

Books, Geneaology, ETC

I usually like to comment on books when I've read three, but I feel like I need to make a "post" now... just 'cause! So, I've read two books. The one I finished yesterday was, Richmond Tales , by Summer Brenner, and the one I finished the day before that was called, The Thirteenth Tale , by Dianne Setterfield. The Thirteeth Tale was fairly interesting. My Gramma said it was hard to get into, but I remember thinking while reading a line (that I don't remember right now, and am too lazy to go back to my Gramma's and find the book and...and even to want to go through the book and remember what caught me when I was reading the first couple chapters of this book), that I liked this book. Though the book is about a girl writing down a famous author's life story, it becomes more than that. The girl becomes the story, in a way-- she dreams what she's writing about at some point. I was so sure that I knew who the author was (there were twins involved in t...

Finally Done with Two Towers and Pride and Prejudice

Okay, so, I've been complaining about reading The Two Towers . The ending left more to be desired, but of course, that's what Return of the King is for. But, yes, J.R.R. Tolkien's style is very detailed-- so detailed I know that I won't be able to go on with reading Return of the King . I couldn't take reading about Sam, Frodo, and Gollum walking around Mordor...or wherever they were. I just couldn't. I have to admit that I didn't really read the last couple pages because I already knew what was going to happen. (THANK YOU FAMILY FOR MAKING ME WATCH THE MOVIE...and THANK YOU HOLLYWOOD FOR KILLING MY BOOK READING EXPERIENCE!! Much appreciated. -____-). So yeah, I saw the movie. A much less arduous way to learn the tales of J.R.R. Tolkien. A more enjoyable way too. I said I read Pride and Prejudice , by Jane Austen. I did, I did. I'm not really sure what to make of it, really... I mean, it was easier to read than Lord of the Rings, but the Old English m...

These aren't Happy Poems...

When I feel down/sorry for myself/ ignored/ pissed at myself/etc, I write. Not much of what I've written is on here.. actually, none of the poetry I've written is on here. But, because I feel like these poems are really what I was feeling, and feel right now, I'm going to type them out. Because right now, I feel absolutely pathetic. -__- By the way, only one other person has seen/heard these... and now the world will... if the world even happens to come across this.... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ So I walk away I don't feel like saying anything It will go away... It will go away... In remembrance, I think of you In remembrance, I mourn the past The regret... The regret... What happened? Oh, no, it's nothing It's nothing to worry about Walk it out Walk away from everything and find the hidden re-start button Re-do the wrongs done Then make the same mistakes unknowingly Without realizing the wrongs done Just walk away only walking...