
Showing posts from February, 2012


Ugh. First of all, DAUM YOU RANDOM RUSSIAN SITES! Who are just bugs "viewing" my blog. -__- Now that I've gotten that out of the way... It's been five weeks since the quarter started, meaning that midterms should be coming up. Should be? I've already had two. I've got 2 more for those classes... I guess we were pretty lucky in high school because we random tests and a final, therefore helping us learn the material, even though we complained about them. Looks like they're right when they say you don't know what you've got 'til it's gone Five weeks into the quarter equals five weeks straight on the train. It's nice being on that train because I don't have to drive, and I can study/do homework. Five weeks on the train and I've noticed a lot of stuff. I've noticed that people are so rude... playing their loud music and talking loudly, sharing their b-words and n-words with the world...that was just yesterday, anyways... I was ...