It's a little early for Mommy Day... +other stuff
You know how you and your same sex parent have some type of bond? Like a mother and daughter do things together, and a father and son do things together? Well, I've always had that bond with my Dad...I guess because he barely ever yelled at me as a kid...etc etc. My Dad and I seem to do lots of stuff together. He drops me off at the train station, picks me up from pretty much anywhere, we used to watch late night tv together, used to play catch together, and dislike shopping with my Mom together. xD And geeze, this guy tolerates my driving, while my Mom sits in the back trying not to yell at me for being too close to the right... Tonight something happened that made me realize all of that. My Mom and I planned a lunch date for tomorrow. That has never happened in the history of my life. I have never been with "just Mom" unless it was for getting a hair cut (then getting Lotto tickets and doughnuts after). I can't shop with just Mom... And all the things I've don...