I've Read More Books and other stuff...

So, it's been a couple weeks since I've talked about what I've read, and here I am... about to talk about the one interesting book I've read since, and an interesting "activity book."I tried very hard to read The Hobbit... I gave up, even though I was half way. For some reason, it was a bore... I dont' get why though... I usually like books of that genre... action/adventure...
After giving up on that, I read A Northern Light, (again,) by Jennifer Donnelly. That book was really good, but not as good as Revolution. It was sort of based on a real life crime, which made the story slightly more interesting.. though I feel like I was more interested in what really happened to the main charater and her love life more than the victim's story...
While I was finishing that, I was watching the paint fall.. and dry. Yes, I was working on a book I got months ago, near the end of October, called Mess, by Keri Smith. You get to do really interesting and bizzare things in that book.. but you can find out for yourself, if you really really wanna know. There really are some strange activities to do in that book...
And today, I started reading The Fellowship of the Ring... which I am delaying reading as I type because Frodo is about to leave on his journey...I'm not really that interested yet... this better be a good book... (grumble grumble...)

It is from my observation that I feel like only Catholic people use this blogger thingy. It's not that I'm against Catholics.. because I am one.. I'm just saying that I haven't found any one "exciting" that I wanna "follow" on this thing... then again, I haven't been on here for weeks and I really don't feel like searching for people to read. Part of me wishes that my blog will turn out like that movie Julie and Julia, where that lady (Julie) gets to write a book cuz of her blog.... or however that lady got famous... but I liked that movie, and should remember how it went. OOOOOOPS...

And only 10 mins until Covert Affairs.......
Someone tell me if I'm not citing those book titles right... or those movies or tv shows... MLA tells me italics... soooo.. that's what I'm doin....


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