A Little About Myself (Read this before all other posts)

If  you ever see a girl with a round face and "almond shaped (and colored)" eyes dressed in not-so-tight jeans and a not-so-tight shirt under a not-so-tight jacket, that's me. My hair's usually all puffy (or is it frizzy?) and I've got a haircut that I'm sure most girls in the world have: a layered cut. Sometimes, I've got glasses, and sometimes, I've got contacts, depending on... well, my mood, and how much time I've had to get ready, I suppose.

I'm about to go to college. Yes, I'm a college pre-Freshman (As of tonight at least)... but I won't say where I'm going because that would be weird on a thing like this. I'll say that my senior year at the high school I went to (which I also won't say because that would also be weird) was pretty good considering all the things that happened that year. The best thing of that year (and probably the best thing of my life, so far) has got to be my boyfriend. He's changed my life so much already, in many good ways...but my friends, the ones I've had since the beginning of high school didn't seem to think so. When we were going out for 2 months, my friends randomly left me, using the excuse that one of my friends was depressed, and that they needed to get away for a little. Ok, fine, I thought. I've still got one good friend by my side. That's all I need. Months went by and after Christmas break (yes, I said ChristmashintCatholichighschool) they came back, and everything was "fine" again. But my gut told me, NO! There's still awkward-ness! They don't see you the same way! They never will, because they left you, and have never really come back. As you can tell, my friends leaving me has affected me a lot. That makes me worry... if I'll ever be able to make friends that won't leave me hanging...If I'll be able to make friends, have them for four years, and watch them stab me in the back and rip me apart. Yes, that's what I feel like they've done... and they didn't even have to do any of that.

The months went by, and my boyfriend and I got very close. We have learned about each other, and have grown with each other and supported each other. As far as I know, he's the only person that has NOT abandoned me from high school (even though it's only 2 weeks into the summer vacation). The strange thing about going to college, even though I haven't actually gone yet, is the fact you can make a lot of your own choices. And for me, one of those choices will be seeing my boyfriend whenever I can; he means more to me than... a lot of things right now.

As you can tell, I like writing... and reading (if I didn't like writing and expressing myself, why the cheesepuffs would I have made this blog thingy in the first place?!) . I took Creative Writing my Junior year, and that helped to develop my "style." More like my thoughts being written down... typed out... whatever. (see, there it is, right there.) My spelling isn't the best and I'm very sarcastic and make punny jokes. Yes, punny. Jokes that are puns that are supposed to be funny... at least, they're funny when I think them up, then no one laughs, then I feel dumb. And I also cuss in food, as one of my friends put it. That's what cheesepuffs and wtcheese are, if I ever use those on here. It's my cussing in food. Because cheese is awesome!!

Another thing I like is music. I've played some instruments... but I'm the least embarassed with saying that I've played the guitar, even though I'm not very good at all. But the only reason I even considered picking up my Dad's Stratocaster is because of one band, and, and that one band isssssss (drum roll please... please?) issssss... Green Day!! WOOOOOO!!!! If not for American Idiot, I would not play guitar, and that would mean I would have many boring summers... because that's all I used to spend my summers doing, before I got a Facebook last year! Play guitar to my iPod.

Hmmmmmmmmm... what else can I think of... I like photography? I really do though. If you find me on Facebook, you'd notice I've got a ton of albums of random stuff. Take my profile picture on here for example. Light squiggle. I took that. Yups. I like sunsets too, but I've seen too many to make the others seem cool... not fair. Maybe I'll be able to find some of the comics I like and I'll be able to put them on here... Like Bizzarro or Zits. Maybe I'll talk about my dreams on here too. Who knows?

So, yeah, I suppose that's all. As I type up this blog thing, you people on here... if anyone even finds this... will be able to see the stuff I like.. and other things like that.

Oh yeah, I like the word stuff, because it's just too awesome.

Til Next Time ('TNT)

P.S.: I tend to type a lot at once, so bear with me, please. (If there's any one to even bear it)
P.S.S.: Thank goodness for spell-check. (phew)


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