OK, Movie people, YOU WIN!! -___-
Movie people! You have killed my interest in reading about the perriless journey of Sam and Frodo and Aragorn and Gandalf... I AM NOT INTERESTED IN THE TWO TOWERS ANY MORE. I've already seen all the movies for Lord of the Rings ...I was forced to see all those movies... so now, everything is spoiled, and I cannot take J.R.R. Tolkien's very detailed writing any more... I finally got to the part where Sam, Frodo and Gollum/ Smeagol get to the marshes... and I can't take it any more. I think I was more interested in the "more exciting part" of the story with Gandalf and Pippin going off to Miras Tirith... (the rest of that is in Return of the King , I assume... -__-) BUT... I feel like I want to skip around more than actually read the whole thing the way it was written, just because I had to skip some parts in the movie... but how the cheesepuffs will I know which parts I missed if I don't read the whole daum book?! -__- Why would I want to read about three huma...