Finally Finished The Fellowship....
The Fellowship of the Ring, J.R.R. Tolkien- The book about a journey was certainly a journey to read. They went through an epic and time consuming journey, so did I. They had trials and battles.. SO. DID. I. The battle to stay awake while reading this was a hard one to beat, but I finally finished The Fellowship... in 3 weeks, the longest time it has taken me this whole summer to read a book. It was boring in some parts (meaning detailed...very detailed...etc.) and those are the parts that put me to sleep, even though I was ready to read and even through the most exciting parts, I found myself fighting to stay awake. Now that I have FINALLY finished this, I feel like I should read The Two Towers... because I'm sucked into the whole series and want to know how it ends (the movies would butcher the whole experience for me. THEY ADDED THAT STUPID ELF CHICK!! How stupid...). These books cannot stand alone and need each other for the complete story...that is the only reason I'm going on to read The Two Towers. But... will I take a break or dive right into this... well...... since I've got The Two Towers right next to me, I might as well start... if I can stay awake.
Yes, this (and my first entry thingy) was copied right from my note on Facebook. But yes, this book literally put me to sleep. Yes, I did like the story. Yes, I did find it interesting... but it was boring as some parts (coughcoughThecouncilofElrondchaptercoughcough). There were only certain parts that actually interested me in this book...and though Tolkein's writing style is... very detailed...and sleep inducing... I did like the book. Like I said...almost exactly as my thoughts (but not on here...but is right there ->): The battle was staying awake through this book... I couldn't even take 15 mins of this book without feeling like I needed to sleep... BUT I ACTUALLY LIKED THE BOOK!! (So don't get mad at me, people who like Lord of the Rings). Soooo...yeah... I suppose I'll start The Two Towers now... (no, I'm not waiting for YOU... but YOU better start reading...)
Yes, this (and my first entry thingy) was copied right from my note on Facebook. But yes, this book literally put me to sleep. Yes, I did like the story. Yes, I did find it interesting... but it was boring as some parts (coughcoughThecouncilofElrondchaptercoughcough). There were only certain parts that actually interested me in this book...and though Tolkein's writing style is... very detailed...and sleep inducing... I did like the book. Like I said...almost exactly as my thoughts (but not on here...but is right there ->): The battle was staying awake through this book... I couldn't even take 15 mins of this book without feeling like I needed to sleep... BUT I ACTUALLY LIKED THE BOOK!! (So don't get mad at me, people who like Lord of the Rings). Soooo...yeah... I suppose I'll start The Two Towers now... (no, I'm not waiting for YOU... but YOU better start reading...)
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