Things that Aren't Logical to me. At all. (Part II)
Okay people, it's been 6 days...Things that sadden me:
- Billie Joe Armstrong doesn't do his own guitar solos. No one has any idea how sad I was when I found out...
- The singer for Dragon Force sounds like the singer for Journey….
- A lot of today's music isn't real people playing- it's synthesized. What happened to real people playing real music (actual instruments)? I'm not against it, I'm just saying...
- The original genre of music I like is going down the dumps. -__- It's like in 8th grade Coldplay kicked ass and now it suuuuuuuuucks. Among other bands, of course. Stupid certain person that "made the band great."
- I listen to a song 'til it's dead. I wish I didn't do that... : /
- People hide behind make up or clothes or something or anything and everything- all these excuses. (The fake-ness of all living things)
- Everything is built to only last a couple years (or months) now
- People are addicted to the internet (and I am one of those people)
- Anything you eat will have something in it that can kill you one way or another
- People are losing their actual social interactions with actual people (thanks too the internet and Ipods and cell phones)
- Certain books aren't as cool to me any more
- People like reading things off of screens. How can they possibly get any reading done if they're on the computer?
- The older I get, the more things get boring...
- That I have to do something for a long time to actually be good at it
- That celebrities dictate what we wear= fashion sucks now
- Why does everyone have to look like they're going to a party when they're going to school? Just jeans and a shirt would be good…or clothes in general. But not those stupid thin see through shirts. Why do those even exist anyway?
- Every holiday has become commercialized (Christmas sale! Fourth of July sale! Labor Day sale! Thanksgiving sale! Valentine's day sale! STOP! Just stop… please, for my sanity.)
- Everything goes by too fast… we expect everything in a blink of an eye
- The only things that seem funny to me are dirty or have cussing in it. Whatever happened to humor that's clean? Or does that come with age? -___-
- All the cool ideas have been taken or overdone- nothing is unique any more
- People abbreviate things like "fam" and "app..." What's so hard about saying "family" and "application?"
- IMA IMA IMA IMA. Such a stupid "word." Can't you people say I'm going to? Or I'm gunna? Geeeeeeeeeeeeze. I bet I say that without even knowing it. Wooo unconscious hypocrite. -__-
- There are a TON of people who should not have a license on the road… CRAZIES.
- How someone can block me, then unblock me… just leave me blocked... I don't want to know what you're up to. I'm done with you…both of you. -__-
- How someone can be "okay" with you one day and "hate" you the next.
- How I can heal and un-heal (metaphorically speaking)
- IN.FLATION. Money in general sucks now…
- What's so great about parties? Clubbing? Getting drunk or high? Or smoking? I guess since I've never been to either I can't get it… not that I've never been invited to a party…
- Why do people think stupid stuff is funny (burping, getting hit, etc…). It's only funny 30% of the time...
- That most of the friends I've made have a ton of friends and those other friends become my friends= I apparently only make a couple of friends and the rest of them come with my "original" friends
- Middle schoolers act like they're in high school or college.. OH EMM CHEESE. -___- Why do they even have FBs anywhoos?
- When people call you "dear" or anything that should be for someone special and don't mean it. People think you mean it.
- Horizontal stripes make me look short...
- How when you're angry you can (metaphorically) bite someone's head off, but when you're not mad, you just can't. Then you feel the guilt afterwards and apologize.
- How most of my view are from a bug site in Russia. -__-
I've obviously been compiling these for a long time. Since Christmas! XD
Here's Part I: xD
Here's Part I: xD
I totally get it, but if you want original ideas you need to hang out with more artists. When I say artists I mean real artists, the ones that need to get stoned for "inspiration" don't count.
ReplyDeleteSo that means I should get you, Ashley, and one my of my other friends and go on a Photo Excursion? :)