My Normal Bookly Reviews

So, I've read two more books. I suppose I'll be going on this thing whenever I've finished reading two books, not three, since reading three books takes too long. Anyway, I just finished my second book (after the last entry) today, and that too, was a let-down-ending.
As I said last time, the book I had just started reading at the time was The Almost Moon, by Alice Sebold. That one was alright, I suppose; nothing really exciting about it in my opinion. It was just a "Crazy" daughter getting away with the murder of her "crazy" mother, and what it was like for her. Man, she was going through her memories left and right-- then again, I suppose everyone goes through their memories like that...especially after they've killed someone. Not that I would know. The worst I've ever thought of someone was hoping an anvil would fall on them and crack their head open... or getting roasted by a flamethrower... but yeah, never going to do that... The Almost Moon is probably one of the strangest books I've ever read, but still easy to read (as in my eyes were able to fly through the words on the page)...and confusing, all at the same time. How can books be like that?! Anyway, next book:
The Tin Princess, by Philip Pullman! I read the Sally Lockhart seiries a couple years ago (and His Dark Materials as well), and I liked those, but for some reason, I couldn't bring myself to read The Tin Princess right after I read those. I guess I unconsciously knew I'd be bored this summer and need something to read! Either way, it was a good Victorian read; good mystery and the characters, after forgetting them, were still clear to me, like I had just finished reading the other books. The plot seemed sort of unreasonable though... I suppose it's because I think queens are snobs and stuff.. but geeze, all that stuff falling into place.. omcheese... it's clearly a story! xD And the romance in the story... I was sort of pissed... because I thought the pair would be different. But of course, I found what this couple said to each other corny...xD But! I did see it coming, either way. I suppose I remembered from the other book... but yeah.
The one thing these two books have in common:good plots but... LET DOWN ENDINGS! In The Almost Noon, I thought the ending would be completely different-- same with The Tin Princess. I thought whats-her-name would be arrested (The Almost Moon)! I thought all the characters would have been able to live happily ever after (The Tin Princess)! ARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRG!! Not fair...
As of now, I've just started Misspent Youth, by Peter F. Hamilton. It's alright so far... I'm about to start chapter 5.

AAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!! THIRTEEN STUPID DAYS TIL COLLEGE STARTS!! Why can't it just start already, so I can wish it was over?! The only reason why I want it to start is so I won't be bored as cheese all the time... but I know that means being overloaded with homework and essays and projects. HARUMPH! -___-


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