
Showing posts from October, 2011

Things that aren't logical to me. At all.

Stupid media first of all............ -___- Why do kids (mainly girls) try to look like adults? I see these 5th graders and they look like they're 20. Even I don't look 20. And I've got 2 years to go. Why do girls have to make that stupid "duck face?" I'm a girl (who is NOT in the "in crowd" if all you people haven't noticed) and I don't get why girls have to make themselves look ridiculous by sticking out their lips in such a stupid looking way. If you're going to stick out your lips, at least try to make that fishy face. xD At least that's funny looking. I'm sure the people close to me will know my beef with make up... oorrr.. maybe not cause this is something I've just gotten to care about recently. I don't understand why so many girls have to hide their faces when there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. I can understand slight make up for covering up pimples and other strange blemishes, and I get wearing make u...

The Four Week College Experience

I've been going to college for about 4 weeks now, and so far it's just like a huge high school. I didn't think I'd really make any friends, but I did. The commute has gotten better-- it doesn't seem that long any more, even when I don't have company on the train (because looking out the window is awesome). Though college has its downsides, like being so daum far (and getting there sometimes an hour early), actual pop quizzes, and lots of reading for homework in such a short amount of time, it's been alright. The thing I'm really worried about is midterms because I haven't actually been tested on that stuff, so I feel like I'll forget all the stuff I learned. I've got my first one on Monday, so I hope I don't die on it. -__- The one cool thing about college is that I actually do get more freedom. I could take the train anywhere as long as I'm back by my certain time, but I actually haven't done that yet....that's about it. Ot...