Things that aren't logical to me. At all.

  • Stupid media first of all............ -___-
  • Why do kids (mainly girls) try to look like adults? I see these 5th graders and they look like they're 20. Even I don't look 20. And I've got 2 years to go.
  • Why do girls have to make that stupid "duck face?" I'm a girl (who is NOT in the "in crowd" if all you people haven't noticed) and I don't get why girls have to make themselves look ridiculous by sticking out their lips in such a stupid looking way. If you're going to stick out your lips, at least try to make that fishy face. xD At least that's funny looking.
  • I'm sure the people close to me will know my beef with make up... oorrr.. maybe not cause this is something I've just gotten to care about recently. I don't understand why so many girls have to hide their faces when there is absolutely nothing wrong with them. I can understand slight make up for covering up pimples and other strange blemishes, and I get wearing make up for special occasions, but I have no clue why (other) girls have to wear make up. ALL. THE. TIME. I mean, my mom put make up  on me for my grad pics, prom, and graduations, but that's it. I see people at my college: sweats- check, messy hair- check, eye liner, mascara, blush, that powdery stuff that goes on your face... and whatever the cheese goes with that....cheeeck. -__- I DON'T GET IT! I get that most girls are self conscious and what nots, but still. For my fellow females... if any even read this... guys like girls that can go around without make up and are comfortable in their own skin. I've read it, so it has to be true. AHAHA. I should do my persuasive speech on why girls shouldn't wear make up. xD But then I'd get stared down and get eye bullets. So never mind.
  • So, yes, I'm kinda being a hypocrite cause I was complaining that I felt like people looked at me differently because I  DON'T dress like everyone else...most of the time. That doesn't mean I want to look like every other girl. I wanna look like myself, but not feel those stares that I get cause I DON'T dress like every other girl. I like my style. I'm not changing for anything.  I'll expand my music, change my taste in food every now and then, try some new things ONCE in awhile, but I will NOT. I repeat: WILL NOT change my style or myself no matter how many people look at me cause I apparently stand out or because I'm logical. Girls in my math class laughed at me for suggesting they look at the webassign BEFORE the wednesday class. REALLY? I don't get why. That's logical. I. DON'T. UNDERSTAND. PEOPLE! They're so... ao;siedfhvjcnwyeiutropy. -__-
  • Why do guys have to wear baggy pants? And attempt to act "cool" when they're really just being stupid? (I don't think I'm friends with guys that do this, but still. I see it, so I wonder.)
  • How the hell do people go around in shorts and flip flops in the winter (and how do girls go around in those really strappy/ see through shirts/dresses)? I don't understand this at all. Aren't you cold? I know I've got three layers of shirts on plus a sweatshirt and long socks...then again, I was dressed as an Eskimo as a child....with layers and layers of clothes...according to my gramma... but still.. I don't understand how it's possible..... for strange people to go around in shorts and flip flops in November... and beanies and boots in June. -__-
  • Why do people go to a very expensive college and brag in class about how much they drank the night before and don't remember anything about it? Why do they go there and smoke where they're not supposed to and make other people who have nice healthy lungs suffer for their stupid addiction? Why do they even bother going to school if they're just going to do that stuff and slack off?
  • Hair. Why do girls have to "do" their hair all the time? Doesn't that mess up your hair in the long run? Doesn't curling your hair then straightening it then curling it again take up so much unnecessary time when you could be sleeping? If you make your hair fancy everyday, then what's hair for a special occasion? The same hair! I don't see why other females must do this! So me, having the same hair, but different hair for special occasions makes that special occasion hair so much more cooler just because I've never been seen with that type of hair before. HAHAHAHAHHAHAHAAHHAAHA. xD
  • Nails. Why do girls have to wear long nails with fancy designs on them when they're just going to be taken off or chipped? I don't get that... I like my nails short so I can maybe just maybe play guitar at some random point during the weekend, and it makes typing  whole lot easier. Plus, I don't have to worry about breaking any nails. HHAAHA! Girls are so silly when it comes to fashion. -___- Speaking of which...
  • I really am irritated with the fact that girls are expected to wear tight clothes or.. "fancy" sweats. It's like girls are just for looking at and are sex objects in our society instead of being actual people. I wish that would change. I wish females could have self esteem without having to hide themselves away with make up and all that stuff. I'm sure other females would complain about what I'm saying, but since I'm not "in" I DON'T CARE!
  • Why can't people be real? I'm not saying I'm perfect either... but still... it's like everyone has to hide behind something... like make up or clothes or money or some personality thing. GAH... -__-
  • I probably seem like a very sheltered child who thinks everything is stupid. That's true. I might seem stuck up, and I might seem like I don't understand anything about the real world. WELL YEAH! I'm only 18. Barely. I don't know anything about the world cause I live in a nice sheltered world and I think I'd like to keep it that way..............stupid media..................................
watch this for my theme for this blog. xD

~I'll probably add to this at some point...


  1. You have some valid points here. You actually inspired me to start my own blog when I read this yesterday. My first post is a bit mundane but hopefully it will get more exciting.

    p.s: there's a link to it on my wall

  2. P.S.: Thanks for taking the time to read my blog... :)


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