Things that Aren't Logical to me. At all. (Part II)
Okay people, it's been 6 days...Things that sadden me: Billie Joe Armstrong doesn't do his own guitar solos. No one has any idea how sad I was when I found out... The singer for Dragon Force sounds like the singer for Journey…. A lot of today's music isn't real people playing- it's synthesized. What happened to real people playing real music (actual instruments)? I'm not against it, I'm just saying... The original genre of music I like is going down the dumps. -__- It's like in 8th grade Coldplay kicked ass and now it suuuuuuuuucks. Among other bands, of course. Stupid certain person that "made the band great." I listen to a song 'til it's dead. I wish I didn't do that... : / People hide behind make up or clothes or something or anything and everything- all these excuses. (The fake-ness of all living things) Everything is built to only last a couple years (or months)...