First Year of College... almost over

Three quarters into my college life at *mycollege'snamehere,* and it's already been "a year" since I've been there. Technically, when I go back in the Fall it'll be a year it'll be a year....but ya know... Anyway, with two days of finals and then a week of break (that I can NOT wait for) then Summer Quarter and a "job." My first ever. Wooohoo. -__- Not that I'm not looking forward to making money, but the idea of doing what I'm doing still sounds a little crazy. I thought I wouldn't be taken seriously when I sent that e-mail and now look! Oh well, more bang for my buck... or something... but yeah, Summer quarter, a job, I guess two weeks of "break" then Fall quarter. Oh boy. Everything feels like it's just flying by. Seriously, I thought that the quarter just started (it's probably the "intense" class I took. Stats can die, but I need it, unfortunately) and now it's pretty much over except for the two days that I have to go there for finals and studying for the one final, of course and typing the paper for the other. Not that bad considering what I went through the other quarters and will  go through the other quarters.
I bet you're wondering what I've learned this "year." Well, the things I've learned don't really have to do with the classroom environment. I've learned things from interacting with the people I've met. So here goes:

  • Waiting is key in everything, whether it's waiting to get a chance to talk to the teacher during an office hour or waiting a killer 13 minutes for your train to get to the station, waiting is a HUGE part of what I do. Every. Day. And I hate it. Not only because I'm from the generation that's grown up with everything at its fingertips, but because there was a time when I didn't have to wait the full 13 mins for my train. I also have to wait for the chance to be a person that "makes a difference" in my way. Why do I have to say that? Because I have to go through years of school to make the difference I want to make in the world. I have to be someone with a ton of knowledge for something that could be the most simplest thing in the world... and that could be the hugest waste of money and time I could think of. But I'll do it anyway, because that is one of my dreams. 
  • Some teachers actually care about what you think. Some teachers are actually very willing to have  you go to their office hour every class and talk about you (or whatever you bring with you) to you. The two teachers I'm talking about are probably the coolest teachers I've met at my college because they've given me the chance to explore the many possibilities that come with being a college student; I mean they let me see my potential. When you go up to talk to a teacher (or go to their office hour), you have to remember they're human too, but don't treat them like your best friend....until you get to know them better. They're not just robots that teach. They need ideas. They want to know how to make their class better. They want your point of view. Some teachers are robots that don't really care...I guess... I haven't had any yet...but they're still all people. I can't talk because I'm not a teacher myself, but I've talked to some... at least the ones I've taken the time to talk to. They're pretty cool. 
  • I hate gum chompers and slow walking people. The gum chomper that sits behind me: I want to punch you in the face...or at least tell you to chew with your mouth CLOSED. The slow walker: I want to push you out of my way. You're going way too slow and holding up the people behind me. Be happy I'm not a mean person... ugh. Seriously, I want to be the first person in the shuttle line so get the cheese out of my way... not that seriously. Oh, and person blasting you music: I can hear you. Did you know that? Person, I can smell your food. I can hear you texting. Let's see, what else can I be annoyed at...?
  • With everyone with the fancy phones with internet on them, I'm glad I don't have one. I'm able to disconnect when I'm on my way to school instead of wondering if I got any notifications on Facebook 24/7. Pff same thing with my ipod too. If I had my ipod with me all the time I would never be able to disconnect from music and miss some important announcement or something.
  • I still give too many chances to strange people...and in general.
  • No matter how many sites I share my writing/photography with, I won't be "famous" until... until... until... ever. Looks like I'll have to go out into the real world and talk to people. OH NO!
  • Some people don't know what sarcasm is yet.
  • If you make an effort to talk to people, ask them how they're doing, they'll ask you back and you'll eventually become friends. Noticing something in a person can lead to a pretty awesome friendship...but nothing stalker-ish.
  • If I really really really really really really really don't understand something, I will not attempt to learn it, especially if the teacher goes way too fast. I'll just take the class again. Not a big deal. I really don't want to take the class again though... gggeeeeeeeeeeeeze...
  • Russell Howard's Good News is probably the best British show ever. Can't wait for Psych, N.C.I.S., Suits, and... Covert Affairs to come back on. Gotta enjoy my crime shows!
  • I need to read a non-school book...
  • My brother and my father and my boyfriend have influenced my musical taste buds.
  • I really really really do NOT like group projects.
  • Psychology and English (Creative Writing) I will kick your butt and become AWESOME. I hope.
  • Do what you dream, not what your parents dream.
I'm sure I'll think of more later, but 'til next time...
-Commander Comment Craaaaazy. : P


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