Five Years Have Gone By
A little summary of what's happened The happenings Graduated college with my degree in 2015. It seems to be pretty useless because I haven't even really used it for anything in my field. It's usually just, OH, YOU HAVE A DEGREE! You don't have to take this test!" "Oh, you were a Psyc major? Do you wanna be a therapist? DO YOU ANALYZE PEOPLE?! Can you tell what I'm thinking right now? Can you save my family?!? Do you know why these people act this way?!" No, I don't know why they act that way. I don't even know why I act the way I do... and I'm not going to pay a thousands just to go back and hate it.. so no thanks. College also brought out some health issues, most notably migraines and bloody noses. MSG is an evil that's everywhere. Coaching Coaching high school was a blast compared to working with the elementary school kids. I didn't have to do keep high schoolers entertained for 5 hours. And the runners wanted to BE THE...