Five Years Have Gone By

A little summary of what's happened
  • The happenings
    • Graduated college with my degree in 2015. It seems to be pretty useless because I haven't even really used it for anything in my field. It's usually just,
       OH, YOU HAVE A DEGREE! You don't have to take this test!" "Oh, you were a Psyc major? Do you wanna be a therapist? DO YOU ANALYZE PEOPLE?! Can you tell what I'm thinking right now? Can you save my family?!? Do you know why these people act this way?!" No, I don't know why they act that way. I don't even know why I act the way I do... and I'm not going to pay a thousands just to go back and hate it.. so no thanks.
    • College also brought out some health issues, most notably migraines and bloody noses. MSG is an evil that's everywhere.
    • Coaching
      • Coaching high school was a blast compared to working with the elementary school kids. I didn't have to do keep high schoolers entertained for 5 hours. And the runners wanted to BE THERE. But of course, 21-23 year old me with little coaching experience had to deal with 50+ year old coaches with 15+ years of experience. So I had fun coaching; I enjoyed my team, running (the sports part of it), and even putting in all the names and times. But that all came to an end when I left coaching for after school with the elementary kids and boy, oh boy, that was a 360 difference. The kids had their moments of course.
      • Third/ Fourth grade highlights- school A
        • We go through my boring health timelines and got to do lots of fun skits... AND GO OUTSIDE.
      • Fourth/Fifth/Sixth grade highlights- School B
        • They talked so much... 
        • We finished our papier mache amphora project... even though it took two months and a restart week.
        • I gave my students free range to pick a student director, direct the play, pick their characters, make their own props and sound effects in their little production of Persephone and Demeter. I was quite surprised at how well they did
        • They threw me a "party" on my last day and blew me away with how much they liked me and would miss me.
      • Buuut, there were crazy circumstances, so I decided to resign after school and now I'm doing... something else that's much calmer, yet still kinda chaotic. Now, I can just do what I'm told instead of having to get 20-24 little bodies to do what I tell them.
    • Death of the laptop and the windows 365 terror
      • The last time I wrote in this blog, I was on another laptop! A good ol' Toshiba with a built in CD drive that I got in high school! But in 2014 that laptop died and it took all my hundreds of photos, college papers, and who knows what else with it. That put me in the market for a better laptop that helped me learn to hate Windows 8 and learn the convenience of touch screen laptops. But with no CD drive that also meant that I needed to get Microsoft Office. And that is another story. 
    • Catholic conservatism
      • I've basically become more Catholic and more conservative since college because I've witnessed many miracles. No matter the size, it's still a miracle. My list of miracles is a whole different post.
    • the end of creative writing for photography, then nothing
      • Becoming an English Major with the Creative Writing option was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. It turned what I used to love into a chore and drained my creative writing juices. Shortly after I stopped writing, I got more interested in photography. I have to say I still enjoy photography, but I'm pretty tired of taking pictures of flowers. I'm glad I'm able to get some good athletic shots every once in awhile. But I mostly do nothing that artistic these days. The rest of my creative energy went into thinking up lesson plans for my after school class. Who knows what my creative juices will cook up next.
  • Long hair vs short hair
    • Finally, my piece on my hair. Since I could remember, I always had long hair. In college, my hair was shoulder length, and it would get stuck in my backpack straps, my hoods, and some chairs. It would get everywhere, especially into sink and tub drains, and into knots on my head. It even caused acne on my back! My annoyance with my long hair pushed me to cut my hair. Yes, my hair still gets stuck in drains and still gets everywhere, but it's less dangerous since it isn't as likely to clog drains as before. I don't have to do much maintenance, either. I can just run the brush through my hair a couple times, and I can get on with my life. I don't have to fight with knots, backpack straps, or hoods any more.
Hope you've enjoyed reading this little update! Read you next time!


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