One Quarter Down... about... 15 more to go.
I had my last final today. It was Algebra. Like... high school algebra. Like.... a combo of Freshman year math, and Junior year math. Yeah, I'm dumb. Math 900. Remedial. My other two were on Monday and last Thursday. There's a tale about the Thursday one, but I don't think you guys are really that interested... cuz it's more of a "me tale." And I'm not counting Tuesday as a final cuz that was a BBQ...Oh well.... anywhoos...
Many things have happened this first quarter of college (typed the h in high school. XD). I made it through my first quarter of college alive and with some pretty interesting friends (to say the least) and kinda wished some of the old ones were still around (even though I was betrayed by some and am probably better off without those betrayers... and now I'm used to being without certain others). I've learned the ways of the college shuttle and BART (esp BART. omcheese.) and that the campus is like a rectangle. There are no short cuts on this least, from the ways I've gone these past 10 weeks... since I don't live there, I guess I shouldn't really be talking, but oh well, I've been there for 10 weeks, walked around all by myself for about 5 of them. I think I know what I'm talking about.
I've learned that I live on Facebook. It's even more of a fact now than it was in high school, cuz back then I actually waited after my homework was done to get on there, and now... I'm on there when I get home...because I have no real social life. xD My homework/ study habits have things left to be desired, but I still get things done and still study... I just don't ask my mom to help my study any more... that stopped like... 8th grade. xD
Funny how I had more things to say when I wasn't typing this out... -__-
I also learned that people don't give an ess about what they go to class in. They go to class in their pjs. They go in their clubbing clothes. They go in their work out clothes (not just sweats, I mean all out sweats, sandals, socks with their sandals, messy hair...or in some cases, in their running shorts when it's not even hot). I get it if it's cold... but in 90 degree weather... NAH BRUH. (People have been saying that all over the place... just wanted to put that in there. xD) Then there are the people that just wake up before they got to class...or maybe just got out of the shower. REALLY?! REEEEEEEEAAALLYY?! Come onnnnn, you guys are in college... can't you spend an hour being awake before going to class then sleeping class away? You're not going there to sleep... and the desks there aren't even that comfortable... I get there 2 hours early, come on. If I can, you can!
I also learned that I need quizzes to learn the material... (so you high school people, don't complain about tests and quizzes. You'll miss them.) COUGHEDPSYCHCOUGH... That actually going to tutoring helps, even if it is just for that week... it helps. And when you go to this tutoring center, you can meet interesting people... (and even standing in line for the shuttle, or on the shuttle. You can meet interesting people.) We already knew from high school that some teachers don't care and that some teachers really really do. In college, no teacher really cares (telling you to turn things in and stuff). But the Freshman teachers do (a little)... at least the ones I've had... the 4 I've had. xD Some people just don't care either. Ooooohhh, the things I've heard from my classmates that dorm.... it's basically just high school for grown ups with more expectations and some people are on their own or drive there or something.
One of the most annoying, but the best thing about college: the timing of the class! As in, what time you have to be in class. Cuz having a 12:00 every other day is awesome. Cuz (waiting to find out schedule for next quarter) having no Friday classes is kick ass. Everyone knows that!
One of the things I feel like I've really gotten from college: my work "ethic." Not really how I work... not really how I get things done, more like how I get there, planning how to get there, and all that. My "getting there and coming back home alive and doing my hw ethic?"
People don't think they're too cool for some things in college... I think that's awesome. Plus, you run into people you didn't know go there. It's real weird.
So yeah, to me, college is still a big high school with more people and dorms and restaurants on campus and yadda yadda yadda. It means a little more freedom, cuz I'm not exactly a rebel....
So now, I get to sit around... be on Facebook all day... reaaad tv... (hang out with certain peopllllleeeeee) ya know... DO NOTHING!
I guess that's it for now... unless I think of something later....
Many things have happened this first quarter of college (typed the h in high school. XD). I made it through my first quarter of college alive and with some pretty interesting friends (to say the least) and kinda wished some of the old ones were still around (even though I was betrayed by some and am probably better off without those betrayers... and now I'm used to being without certain others). I've learned the ways of the college shuttle and BART (esp BART. omcheese.) and that the campus is like a rectangle. There are no short cuts on this least, from the ways I've gone these past 10 weeks... since I don't live there, I guess I shouldn't really be talking, but oh well, I've been there for 10 weeks, walked around all by myself for about 5 of them. I think I know what I'm talking about.
I've learned that I live on Facebook. It's even more of a fact now than it was in high school, cuz back then I actually waited after my homework was done to get on there, and now... I'm on there when I get home...because I have no real social life. xD My homework/ study habits have things left to be desired, but I still get things done and still study... I just don't ask my mom to help my study any more... that stopped like... 8th grade. xD
Funny how I had more things to say when I wasn't typing this out... -__-
I also learned that people don't give an ess about what they go to class in. They go to class in their pjs. They go in their clubbing clothes. They go in their work out clothes (not just sweats, I mean all out sweats, sandals, socks with their sandals, messy hair...or in some cases, in their running shorts when it's not even hot). I get it if it's cold... but in 90 degree weather... NAH BRUH. (People have been saying that all over the place... just wanted to put that in there. xD) Then there are the people that just wake up before they got to class...or maybe just got out of the shower. REALLY?! REEEEEEEEAAALLYY?! Come onnnnn, you guys are in college... can't you spend an hour being awake before going to class then sleeping class away? You're not going there to sleep... and the desks there aren't even that comfortable... I get there 2 hours early, come on. If I can, you can!
I also learned that I need quizzes to learn the material... (so you high school people, don't complain about tests and quizzes. You'll miss them.) COUGHEDPSYCHCOUGH... That actually going to tutoring helps, even if it is just for that week... it helps. And when you go to this tutoring center, you can meet interesting people... (and even standing in line for the shuttle, or on the shuttle. You can meet interesting people.) We already knew from high school that some teachers don't care and that some teachers really really do. In college, no teacher really cares (telling you to turn things in and stuff). But the Freshman teachers do (a little)... at least the ones I've had... the 4 I've had. xD Some people just don't care either. Ooooohhh, the things I've heard from my classmates that dorm.... it's basically just high school for grown ups with more expectations and some people are on their own or drive there or something.
One of the most annoying, but the best thing about college: the timing of the class! As in, what time you have to be in class. Cuz having a 12:00 every other day is awesome. Cuz (waiting to find out schedule for next quarter) having no Friday classes is kick ass. Everyone knows that!
One of the things I feel like I've really gotten from college: my work "ethic." Not really how I work... not really how I get things done, more like how I get there, planning how to get there, and all that. My "getting there and coming back home alive and doing my hw ethic?"
People don't think they're too cool for some things in college... I think that's awesome. Plus, you run into people you didn't know go there. It's real weird.
So yeah, to me, college is still a big high school with more people and dorms and restaurants on campus and yadda yadda yadda. It means a little more freedom, cuz I'm not exactly a rebel....
So now, I get to sit around... be on Facebook all day... reaaad tv... (hang out with certain peopllllleeeeee) ya know... DO NOTHING!
I guess that's it for now... unless I think of something later....
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