Songs that Make Me think, feel, do... Things.
The songs: Dun dun duuuuunnnn!
- Cath, Death Cab For Cutie- I feel like the music of that song could be played over my life and it would fit everything. That song gets stuck in my head. All. The. Time. "She holds. A smile. Like someone would hold. A crying child."
- Grapevine Fires, Death Cab for Cutie- The ultimate sing-when-you're-frustrated/sad-song. "And everything will be alllllrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiighhhhhtttttttt."
- American Idiot, Green Day- From the first time I heard it years ago on the radio until now, it makes me wanna fist pump and say: BUSH SUCKED! Seriously though, back in the day (7th grade, when my Dad got the CD), that was my rage song. Air guitar and all.
- She, Green Day- Shee… really just makes me wanna get up and air guitar to the song. Not many songs do that to me any more. PPPFFF I don’t even have to air guitar… I can play the song myself! It doesn't sound the same, but whatever. Pff I still air guitar to that song! It's way more fun than playing it.
- Chump/ Longview, Green Day- Just plain awesome. Makes me wanna play bass so bad. Too bad I don't own one. It took me a couple years to realize there was a song before Longview… Both…actually, most of the "vintage" Green Day makes me wanna air guitar and headbang. Guess they bring me back to a time when I used to do that regularly. : 3 I'm such a music nerd. Ish. Oh and I really like thundering bass. Oh and the drumming in Longview…omcheeese… : D All songs need good bass, which is why I like Pink Floyd.
- Minority, Green Day- It's so unlike any of the "vintage" Green Day songs, it's funny! It makes my happy because it's so freaking different! It even has harmonica, which made me laugh even more the first time I heard it! *Imagine me, singing like the fool that I sound like singing, and me waving my hands* That happens every time, because of the music video.
- So Whatcha Want, Beastie Boys- I do the same arm motions that they do in the song… They turn me into a raper for like 3:37… I feel cool, yet dorky…ya know? " I got news for ya *something* you'll be suckin like a leach."
- Pour Some Sugar on Me, Def Leppard- Get. UP. AND. CLAP. Because the drums are like my clap signal. THUNDER DRUUMMMS. The song that made me enjoy Def Leppard. Sex. The end. Oh. I always feel some weird energy when I hear this.
- Die With Your Boots On, Iron Maiden- Power. How much anger would it take to play that song? Wish I could play guitar/bass like that…bass. It's just an awesome song. "If you're gunna die… die with your boots on!" I enjoy the bass in that solo, even though it's just four notes. The best part of the solo… I mean, if anything I notice the bass in a song more than guitar because the bass is always louder. Always thump-a-thumpin'… am I still alive from the awesome solo?
- The Trooper, Iron Maiden- The beginning: sheer force. Sheer power. There they go, the horses galloping… they're running into BATTLE! WWWAAAAHHH! Feel like I'm on a horse! xD The echo-ey-ness of the mic really adds power to the song. I mean, what does the echo NOT do?
- Berlin Foot Chase, John Powell (Bourn Supremacy Soundtrack)- OH! Someone's chasing me! *Looks behind me* Oh, good, I'm safe. One awesome song none the less. (Makes me feel like I'm being chased) The bass or whatever it is is... you guessed: AWESOMMMMMEEEEE!
- One Step at a Time, Jordin Sparks- Every time I wear a pair of boots that make that noise, I think of that song. I feel like I'm "stylin,'" as my boyfriend would say. Then I feel happy because I think of him and the song, which is a pretty happy one. Tinkle-ness.
- Fast Fuse, Kasabian- Did I just finish watching Russell Howard's Good News?! This song always makes me think of it… maybe that's because it's the theme song… maybe just maybe. I always have to play guitar to this one. It's that awesome. This song makes me happy and I always "dance" to the song. Mostly just…how would this be described… wiggle in my chair, but the movement is more… bah… forget it. ROCK BACK AND FORTH! There!
- LoveGame, Lady Gaga- Honestly, I always go back to when I first heard the song. GradNite, and how I was betrayed by that person weeks later. But putting that aside: DANCE. Get your groove on, as people would say. Oh. Sex. Again. That is what it's about, isn't it? I don't feel...I don't want... that… I'm just saying that always pops up in my head. That word does... I also feel a weird energy when I hear the song. It's like: GET UP. MOVE. YOU'VE BEEN SITTING FOR WHO KNOWS HOW LONG. GET. UP.
- Telephone, Lady Gaga- Move around. Dance, Remember the time you sang that song at a friend's b-day party through karaoke (however spelled)? Remember that another ex-best friend had that as her call tone, which is how you started to like it?
- Private Idaho, B-52s- Get up. Play guitar. Be silly. Jump around. Remember how those stupid Seniors Sophomore year were talking about Rock Lobster, and got you back into the B-52s? Yeah. Every. Time. -__-
- Paradise, Coldplay- Seriously? The only good thing about the song is the bass, and that's barely there. Coldplay died with the CD that came out before this one. They're playing it repeatedly on LIVE105… they're beating it into my head, like they want me to like it! NEVERRR!
- Shiver, Coldplay- Makes me think of that religion project and how stupid it was to use that song for the project... it's all twinkle-ey and stuff. I always think: twinkle. twinkle. sparkle. how do guitars make that noise?! It's still good though. Way better than the previous!
- White Shadows, Coldplay- Now that is an awesome Coldplay song. It just is. Listen for yourself. X&Y was an awesome album. Nuf said. They went down from there.
Oh, if you couldn't tell, I'm a Green Day fan… The most
influential band of my life. : 3
I wrote all most these while listening to the songs.
I'm currently reading what would be considered a manuscript
of a book right now. It's by my English teacher, and it's pretty awesome so
far. No, I'm not buttering anyone up. That's my honest opinion. I'll have to
ask him if I can review it on here or not. If I can't, you guys'll be missing
out. I hope that book gets published. It's worth it.
Oh. I will endorse myself: I took these… Hope you guys like
them… the couple people that look at this:
-Commander Comment Craaaaaaazzyyyy
-Commander Comment Craaaaaaazzyyyy
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